FCIS 2023

ReactJSFirebaseAdmin DashboardSASS


FCIS 2023 is a content management system that helps computer science students access all the important university materials. With over 50,000 views per month.

It offers an all-in-one solution for students to access all the important materials in one place. It also offers a dashboard for the admins to manage the website content.

It acts as an alternative to the university's website which is not user-friendly and hard to navigate, and also to the Facebook group which is not organized and hard to search for old posts.

The website is split over 8 subdomains, each subdomain represents a semester. Each semester has a list of courses, and each course has a list of materials.


  • Courses: Students can access all the courses' materials in one place.
  • Semesters: Students can access all the semesters' materials in one place.
  • Admin Dashboard: Admins can manage the website content.
  • Responsive: The website is responsive and works on all devices.
  • PWA: The website is a progressive web app and can be installed on mobile devices.


I started this project in 2020 as a side project to help my colleagues access all the important materials in one place. I only used HTML, CSS, and JS at the time.

In 2021, I decided to rewrite the project using ReactJS and Firebase.

In 2022, as the content grew, I decided to add an admin dashboard to help manage the website content. I also added other admins with each admin only having access to specific courses.

The website is currently used by over 1000 students and has over 50,000 views per month.